Product 1st localisation

An effective product and feature locale key management system

A lot of localisation tools today focus on just storing keys and providing a simple set of tools to help your workflow. They don't focus on where your keys will be used, they just focus on storing them. We are different, LocaleKit is a complete localisation platform that focuses on provide high quality localised features by focusing on reusing existing keys while providing the utilities to easily implement your translated text and helping copy writers and translators write effective and meaningful text.

Focus on features

Start focusing on building great features by easily localising your features with our developer friendly Api and our copy writter friendly platform.

  • REST, GraphQL, no matter your preference we have an option to help your developers get the features they are building localised.
  • Write copy while focusing on what makes sense for your feature
  • Ready for any framework, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Django

Simple pricing

We believe in pushing for reusable keys and reducing the work needed for localing your application.

5 euro per 2 features with 5 languages

  • Maximise key reuse and stop unnecessary key duplication
  • Breaks key into groups of features, just like a product
  • Localise your features faster
  • Each feature has a limit of 500 keys.

Some other features

We have build this to keep you focused on your dream product, build great features and don't let a locale management system hold you back.

  • Pluralisation supported
  • Store special information like links, codes and more information that may change based on the locale
  • Markdown ready, we can provide your keys with markdown, and you can decide if you want the content precompiled or not.
  • Key variations, great if you are split testing your content
  • Key aliases, we store all our keys with a unique identifier, but if you like you can assign an alias.
  • Google translate ready, input your own key and we can translate your keys

An easy translation workflow

We provide an easy way for you to share the translations to do with anyone.

  • Share specific keys or features to a translator
  • Provide context to the translator for when they are translating
  • Translator feedback to help everyone focus on quality
  • Mark important keys to help prioritise what needs to be done to reach your deadline